2009 - 2012
Senior Project Manager, CVD Guidelines, National Vascular Disease Prevention Alliance
Managed the development at a new clinical guideline which changes the paradigm of treatment of cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk in Australia. Facilitated complex and sensitive discussions with a broad group of clinical experts in the development of consensus recommendations, managed extensive public consultation with many dissenting opinions and responded to rapidly changing medical evidence
2007 - 2009
Chief Executive Officer, Huntington's Victoria
Developed and implemented the first strategic, fundraising, and communications plans for the organization. Results included a significant increase in fundraising revenue (10-fold in the first financial year), rebranding of the organization, meaningful inclusion of consumers in planning and program evaluation, and realignment of organizational priorities from a medical model to a social model of health.
2005 - 2007
Executive Director, Occupational Therapy AUSTRALIA Victoria
Significantly increased income by diversifying revenue streams to reduce reliance on membership as the major source of funds. Sponsorship was significantly Improved through identifying the organisational value proposition and building partnerships with key organisations to deliver projects with mutual benefit
2004 - 2005
Chief Executive Officer, Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society (ANZICS)
Reviewed governance and accountability systems and policies Developed end implemented a change management strategy to reduce risk, improve effectiveness and meet legal requirements. Introduced a new organization structure, board charter, delegations policy, terms of reference, financial and operating policies.
2001 - 2003
Manager, Service Development, Breast Screen Victoria
Led strategic response to a government commitment to increase screening throughput by 96,000 women over four years. Analyzed target population growth across Victoria, evaluated the capacity of current infrastructure and staffing to meet future demand. Improved efficiency of use of current infrastructure, adjusted service catchments tor mobile and fixed services, planned new screening sites
1985- 1992
Senior Organisation Consultant, Health Department Victoria and Treasury
Successfully conducted numerous consultancy projects which improved communication and program effectiveness. Projects included major restructures involving up to 100 people including career transition for some and development and implementation of new organisation structures in culturally sensitive contexts.
1992 - 2001
Research Scientist, Prince Henry’s Institute of Medical Research
Developed techniques which are used Internationally in attempts to isolate and sequence the inhibin receptor, an important hormone binding site in the brain. This work is likely to lead to advances in the treatment of certain forms of ovarian cancer and Infertility.
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